Weight Loss
Most people have been through countless diets, yo-yo-ing up and down over the years.
Because these approaches do not address the root of the problem, often people end up back at the weight they started with or even higher. Your eating and exercise habits are programs in your subconscious mind. We will help you change your attitudes toward food, weight, and your body.
Emotional eating, or the idea of comfort food is a habit in the subconscious mind often left over from childhood. Alternatively, this idea may have been “installed” in your subconscious by powerful commercial messages designed to sell products. We will help you change and update those thoughts as required.
The number of pounds is the secondary goal. This is not about going on a perfect diet, nor is it about forcing yourself to go to a gym 6 times a week. If you reduce your intake of bad foods while increasing your intake of good foods, as well as increasing your physical activity slightly from whatever you are doing now (doing something you enjoy). You may then begin losing just one pound per week, then you are essentially done. No foods are “not allowed” and there is no “forcing or will powering yourself” into doing grueling physical exercise. Just a shift, that’s all.
For millions of years our ancestors ate a diet of mainly proteins, vegetables, fruits and water. These are the things our bodies were designed for. Not the processed foods, sugar drinks and junk foods most people eat so much of today.
One pound a week. By the time you reach your goal these new habits will be well entrenched, and form part of the new you.

During the consultation you will:
- Explain thoroughly what you wish to change or accomplish, and what true success would mean for you.
- Learn how hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming work, how we are different, and how we can help you.
- Remember, hypnotizability is less important than your desire for change. People can absorb positive thoughts in other ways, including simply conversation.
If you are not satisfied with your progress during our first session together, we will refund any amounts you have paid up to this point and we will part friends. We will, however, ask you for a thorough explanation as to why you were not satisfied. If you were unhappy, we need to know why, so as to help us to improve the quality of our work . If you proceed to the second session, we will assume you are satisfied and any refunds will no longer be available.
Get Started With Bruce Today