Stress Management
Part of our approach is helping you to determine which things in your life you see as “must’s” and “have to’s”. It’s to take another look at them to determine which can be eliminated or downgraded to “maybe someday”’s. This often results in a lighter load.
The other part of the picture is recognizing that stress is in large part only the response to a stimulus.You don’t need to necessarily change what you do in order to change how you feel—you simply need to change how you think, by altering the way you interpret and react to situations, you can lower your stress levels.
We will help you change your attitudes and perspectives on the situations you currently find most stressful, and how to relax yourself “in the moment” and clear your mind.
Schedule a free, relaxed 15 minute consultation and find out how we can help you.

During the consultation you will:
- Explain thoroughly what you wish to change or accomplish, and what true success would mean for you.
- Learn how hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming work, how we are different, and how we can help you.
- Remember, hypnotizability is less important than your desire for change. People can absorb positive thoughts in other ways, including simply conversation.
If you are not satisfied with your progress during our first session together, we will refund any amounts you have paid up to this point and we will part friends. We will, however, ask you for a thorough explanation as to why you were not satisfied. If you were unhappy, we need to know why, so as to help us to improve the quality of our work . If you proceed to the second session, we will assume you are satisfied and any refunds will no longer be available.
Get Started With Bruce Today