Smoking Cessation
How can I stop smoking once and for all?
Consciously, all smokers know the damage they are doing to themselves, as well as the long term consequences. But their habit is lodged deep in their subconscious mind.
Most of what we do in a day is out of subconscious routine, some routines are good and some are bad. Smoking is one of the worst. Whenever there is a conflict between the subconscious and the conscious mind, the subconscious usually wins. Why? Because your subconscious is more powerful than your conscious.
Think about it this way, when was the last time you were able to rationalize feelings in or out of existence? When was the last time you were successful for a prolonged period using your willpower (which is a conscious mind function) to force yourself to do or not do something? Willpower implies one side of your mind fighting with the other. It usually means conscious fighting subconscious. Fighting with yourself in your head and expecting long term success is an idea we do not believe in.
We have found that people who quit smoking and go back to it always went back when they were in an emotional state. (Really happy, really sad, really angry.) When we are in a highly emotional state it clouds our thinking, we cannot be in an emotional place and a thinking place at the same time. Feelings usually trump logic, which explains why people who quit smoking with willpower usually go back to it. They never changed the way the habit “feels”.
We will help you change how the habit of smoking feels on a very deep level, so that after you leave it behind it no longer feels like an old friend. Emotional states will no longer trigger the idea to smoke. That avoids the whole “willpower” battle, which is a battle you will lose if you continue fighting yourself long enough. The best way to win this one is to not engage.
Part of the solution to this is to get your “why’s” lined up. Why do you want to do this? Then change the way smoking feels on a deep level. You will learn to think like a non-smoker rather than a smoker.
Occasionally, people will substitute food for cigarettes. This circular strategy often leads to a return to smoking months or years down the road to help “get the weight off”. We will work with you in several ways to ensure this doesn’t happen. The last thing we want is for you to trade off one bad habit for another. The way it should work is if you quit smoking you will have more energy. Energy to use doing other things, which should actually help your weight to go down, not up.
Some smokers will quit a two pack a day habit in one session and never look back. But this is not the norm. Most smokers use our 3 session program, cutting down the first two and quitting on the third session. We will make recommendations based on your free 15 minute consultation.

During the consultation you will:
- Explain thoroughly what you wish to change or accomplish, and what true success would mean for you.
- Learn how hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming work, how we are different, and how we can help you.
- Remember, hypnotizability is less important than your desire for change. People can absorb positive thoughts in other ways, including simply conversation.
If you are not satisfied with your progress during our first session together, we will refund any amounts you have paid up to this point and we will part friends. We will, however, ask you for a thorough explanation as to why you were not satisfied. If you were unhappy, we need to know why, so as to help us to improve the quality of our work . If you proceed to the second session, we will assume you are satisfied and any refunds will no longer be available.
Get Started With Bruce Today