Self Esteem
Improve your self esteem and confidence
Low self esteem and poor self confidence go hand in hand. These issues hold people back in life and if not resolved can lead to despair.
Symptoms of low self esteem include, but are not limited to; an inability to enforce personal boundaries, valuing themselves based on what others think of them (seeking external validation), practicing people pleasing behavior (to get approval), and feeling unable to control their lives. Often people describe a nattering “internal critic” who is always tearing them down inside, causing them to feel “less than”.
Once you have climbed a mountain, mastered a skill, built a business, or earned a degree, nobody can ever deny your accomplishment or take it away from you. Simply put, the more you do the more you can do, and the greater your confidence and the better your self esteem.
Schedule a free, relaxed 15 minute consultation and find out how we can help you.

During the consultation you will:
- Explain thoroughly what you wish to change or accomplish, and what true success would mean for you.
- Learn how hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming work, how we are different, and how we can help you.
- Remember, hypnotizability is less important than your desire for change. People can absorb positive thoughts in other ways, including simply conversation.
If you are not satisfied with your progress during our first session together, we will refund any amounts you have paid up to this point and we will part friends. We will, however, ask you for a thorough explanation as to why you were not satisfied. If you were unhappy, we need to know why, so as to help us to improve the quality of our work . If you proceed to the second session, we will assume you are satisfied and any refunds will no longer be available.
Get Started With Bruce Today