Other Issues
If you have a subconscious or automatic response or a lack of, contact us. Chances are in the past 20 years we have seen this issue. Even if you may think it is strange or we haven’t seen it before we probably have. (And yes that even includes men’s issues).
- Accelerating healing
- Activating immune system
- Agoraphobia (fear of open spaces and public places)
- Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
- Assertiveness
- Becoming your own coach/boss
- Bed wetting
- Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Computer addiction
- Dentists, Doctors, Needles, Snakes, Dogs, Rats, Bugs, Clowns, Flying, School, Driving, Swimming (water), heights, and more..
- Enhancing creativity
- Essential tremors
- Fears or phobias related to:
- Finding lost items
- Gambling addiction
- Hair pulling (trichotillomania)
- Headaches (including migraine)
- Imposter syndrome (deal with your internal critic)
- Improve sales performance
- Improve study habits (and ability to recall information)
- Improving marksmanship
- Infidelity, separation, divorce, and building back
- Male performance issues
- Memory problems
- Motivation for career, business, or self-improvement
- Motivation to exercise
- Nail biting
- Nightmares
- Pain management (acute and chronic)
- Public speaking
- Quit Smoking
- Retrieving memories
- Self hypnosis
- Sleep improvement
- Sports performance
- Stage fright
- Stress reduction
- Stuttering
- Text and exam anxiety and blocks to recalling information
- Tics
- Tinnitus
- Weight Loss
- Writer’s block
Schedule a free, relaxed 15 minute consultation and find out how we can help you.

During the consultation you will:
- Explain thoroughly what you wish to change or accomplish, and what true success would mean for you.
- Learn how hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming work, how we are different, and how we can help you.
- Remember, hypnotizability is less important than your desire for change. People can absorb positive thoughts in other ways, including simply conversation.
If you are not satisfied with your progress during our first session together, we will refund any amounts you have paid up to this point and we will part friends. We will, however, ask you for a thorough explanation as to why you were not satisfied. If you were unhappy, we need to know why, so as to help us to improve the quality of our work . If you proceed to the second session, we will assume you are satisfied and any refunds will no longer be available.
Get Started With Bruce Today